Tourism Marketing

Travelling being one of the most loved and enjoyed activities for all age groups is still the most neglected industry in India. India has those invaluable assets that only a few countries have. Our finest assets are not a super tall building or any amusement park, our beauty can not be defined by the amountContinueContinue reading “Tourism Marketing”

One for All

Holistic Marketing refers to a marketing strategy that considers the whole of a business and all the different marketing channels as a system under the strategy business with different departments come together and synergy in pursuit of a conscious mission great customer experience and a positive brand image.

Tata’s Strategy Decoded

Vivo and BCCI have finally agreed to” terminate” the ₹2199 crore deal signed by Vivo for the 2018-2022 cycle. After a break in the 13th edition of IPL in 2020 as both, the chinese tech company and the board, were caught in a whirl of negative hype following the India-China martial clash in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley in June 2020. 


Surrogate has been defined as ‘Substitute’. Surrogate advertising is a type of advertising which is used to promote regulated products, like cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol, in the disguise of another product. 

Six hacks to get your social media content going!

Writing on social media, particularly captions, to which your audience engages the most, is a tough row to hoe. However, it has to be the task to keep a close vigil for better engagement results. Let us find ways to make your social media presence distinguishable and make eyes glued on what you post!


As a business owner, your job is a lot harder than it used to be. With the advent of technology, more businesses have entered your market, and more people have begun online businesses. The use of technology in marketing and business analysis strategies has changed the game.


Today, the internet is immersing in numerous yet, innovative marketing and promotional techniques, each better than the other how to sieve out the best ones? It is a hefty task for the consumers to find a genuine and authentic product.

It’s about FACEBOOK

“The Hacker Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better and that nothing is ever complete.”From Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to shareholders There are a dozen thoughts in a person’s mind at a time. How you work on an idea and make it useful, that makes a difference. Let’sContinueContinue reading “It’s about FACEBOOK”